Saturday, September 1, 2012

Today's Class

Today’s class was mainly about reviewing the terms that were given to us on Wednesday. We had to define the terms and relate them to ancient Greece. We also had to describe what the ancient Greeks meant if they called you an idiot. To me that was the most interesting topic to research. I think it’s pretty cool how we say words that were used hundreds of years ago. Even though we don’t use the word idiot the same way the Greeks used it, it is still neat how it was adopted into our language today. We also discussed an ancient Greek philosopher named Socrates. In my mind, Socrates was a very wise man, who persuaded the people of Athens to think deeply and to think for themselves. Even though Socrates didn’t look like a very intelligent man, he was certainly a clever, brainy person. Socrates was put on trial for telling the people of Athens information that the Greeks didn’t want him to say. At Socrates’s trial, he stated that the people of Athens were like a lazy horse and he was a horse fly that was trying to keep the sluggish horse alert. He announced that to the five hundred people at his trial and that was a very valiant thing to do. I would have never done that if I was in that situation. He could have even gotten out of his punishment it he said he was sorry. The death that Socrates had to endure seemed immensely painful. Socrates died by a poison called hemlock. The hemlock caused Socrates to suffocate and suffer massive pain. Overall, Socrates endured a painful and unjust death that was put upon him because he was telling the people to think for themselves, which is what we need to do today.

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