Sunday, September 23, 2012

First Test!

On Friday, we finished presenting all the projects and discussed what was going to be on the test Monday. I checked Power School and was thrilled to find out that I got 100% on all my essays. I am a little upset to discover that I forgot to blog about Friday's class on Saturday. I was planning to do it today but I just realized that the blog about Friday's class is due on Saturday at 11:59 P.M. I am not that stressed out about it because I know what there will be plenty of opportunities to earn more points. I didn't see a grade for my Nigeria presentation on Power School yet but I am sure that our group did fine and achieved a good grade on our presentation. On the other hand, I don't think that some groups did as well as my group did. Some of the information about their country was wrong! I double checked my information because I knew that if my information was wrong, my grade would suffer. I really like how we could have discussions during our presentation about out power point. Anyways, we are having our first test soon. I typed up a study guide and I think I will do fine because I usually pay attention to Mr. Schick. Wish me good luck on my test! I made this study guide for the test.

Human Geo. Notes

A Message to Garcia
·         By: Elbert Hubert
·         In Cuba, Garcia was in the mountains of Cuba
·         Rowan was sent to deliver a message to Garcia
·         deliver a message to General Garcia who was hiding in an unknown location in the Cuban mountain
·         Rowan asked no questions and just did his duty
·         Written in 1899
·         In 1998- war between Spain and US, fought in Cuba
·         Theme of Article: People are lazy and won’t do what you ask without asking questions or getting help
·         “It is the survival of the fittest”
·         People who can do work and are not lazy will always have work

Ancient Greece
·         Arete- a term described a maximum of ability and potency for action; a man's effectiveness and skill in goodness.
·         Polis- was the ancient Greek city-state. 
·         Socrates- was a classic Greek Athenian philosopher. 
·         The Death of Socrates- was sentenced to death by poison (hemlock).
·         The Socratic Method- clarified the concepts of God and Justice.
·         The Date 508 BC- The Romans rose up against their leader. Cleisthenes grants full rights to all free men in Athens. 
·         Agora- was the center of Athenian democracy. It was a gathering place for the lawmakers and citizens. 
·         What the ancient Greeks meant if they called you an idiot- In ancient Greece, the inventors of democracy set up a law that required every person to vote, regardless of who they voted for. If anyone was found not voting, then you are considered an idiot.
·         Socrates: persuaded the people of Athens to think deeply and to think for themselves, didn’t look like a very intelligent man
·         Socrates was put on trial for telling the people of Athens information that the Greeks didn’t want him to say.
·         At Socrates’s trial, he stated that the people of Athens were like a lazy horse and he was a horse fly that was trying to keep the sluggish horse alert. 

Did You Know 3.0 Video
·         Over 7 billion people on planet
·         Increasing by over 77 million per year
·         208,800 per day
·         90% of population growth in Africa, South and East Asia, and Latin America (developing countries)
·         1804-1st billion people-12 years-7 billion people
·         Life Expectancy: the average number of years to be lived by a group of pope born in the same year (women longer life expectancy because men typically have more dangerous jobs)
·         Crude Birth Rate: number of births per 1000 of population
·         Crude Death Rate: number of deaths per 100 of population
·         Rate of Natural Increase (RNI): produced by subtracting the death rate from the birth rate (this gives us the annual natural growth rate- in % form for a country or region
·         Net Migration Rate: the difference between the number of people entering and leaving the country during a year
o   An excess of people entering the country is net immigration= positive number
o   An excess of people leaving the country is net emigration= negative number
·         Why Do People Migrate?
o   Push Forces: forces that make you want to leave the country (Ex: civil war, environmental degradation, and unemployment)
o   Pull Forces: forces that make you want to live in the country (Ex: freedom)
·         Total Fertility Rate (TFR): Average number of children born per women, for the population to stay the same the TFR has to be 2.1 (replacement rate)
-higher than 2.1=population increases
-lower than 2.1=population decreases
World TFR: 2.47=population is increasing
·         Infant Mortality Rate: infants that die before they reach the age of 1
·         GDP: Gross Domestic Product: the value of all final goods and services produced within a nation in a given year

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