Saturday, October 13, 2012

World Religions

Christianity is a very popular religion that contains 2.2 billion followers. This religion was founded around 30-36 AD in Palestine after Jesus's death. This religion is monotheistic. Christians believe in God, who is the central figure of their religion but they believe that there are three Gods (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) in one God. Christians use the Bible as their main holy book. Here is a map of the percentage of Christianity Worldwide.

Islam is a religion that was founded in Mecca near the time 632 AD. This is a monotheistic religion like the rest of its fellow Abrahamic religions. The holy books of Islam include The Quran which is organized into chapters called surah, and verses called ayat; In addition, the entire text is divided into 30 sections called ajiza. The Islam religion has 1.3 billion followers that all worship its god, Allaah. The main geographic concentration of Islam is in Africa and the Middle East.

           Buddhism was founded in the fourth or fifth century B.C. in northern India by a man known traditionally as Siddhartha Gautama.This religion is polytheistic and uses the Tipitaka as its holy book. Buddhism has between 350 million to 1.6 billion followers. In Indian, the central figure for worship was Amitabha. The largest number of Buddhists per capita is, appropriately, in Tibet.

Hinduism was founded in India in 1500 BC or earlier and is a monotheistic religion. Hinduism has no holy books and has approximately 950 million followers. Buddah is a key figure of Buddhism. Hindu is a geographical definition used for the people living beyond the river Indus or those living in India

Judaism is a monotheistic religion that was founded around 2000 BCE in Israel. Jewish people use the Tanakh as their holy book and also use the Old Testament of the Bible. Judaism has about 14 million followers and worship Yahweh and Elohim.  The largest concentrations of Jews are found in Israel and New York, USA


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