Monday, October 1, 2012

Finishing a Great Film

The movie "God Grew Tiered of Us" was institutional and educational. The film inspired me to really look into helping countries that are in distress.  I have looked into participating in the Kony 2012  project and I think it is a great way to help people in need. It would be absolutely amazing if we could get John, a lost boy from the movie, to come a speak to John Carroll. I would be ecstatic if John could come and tell us about his tragedy but hopeful story. This wonderful film also educated people about the issues in Sudan. This movie taught about the war in Sudan, the lost boy's journey, and the hardship immigrants face when the come to America. The ending of the movie was toughing. The movie's main characters, Daniel, Panther, and John, all make a decent living in America. John went began an organization that helps to build health clinics in Africa and, another lost boy went  back to Africa to start a school there as well as marry his girlfriend. My favorite part of the whole movie was when John was reunited with his mother in the airport. You could definitely tell that his mother was so thankful to have her son back and to see him after being separated for 17 years. I am so thankful that I live in America where I don't have to worry about the problems that Sudan's people face.

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