Monday, October 8, 2012

Lost Boys Quiz Rview

So if I am lucky, on the next Human Geo. test or quiz, Mr. Schick will allow us to use our blogs. Because he let us use our blog for the previous quiz, I will blog about the answers to the quiz in hope that I will be able use this blog for the next quiz or test about The Lost Boys.

Three names of the boys: Daniel, Panther, John
Born in the country of : Sudan
Members of the: Dinka tribe
War in Sudan fought between the: Muslim North and the Christian/ Animist South
They left Sudan and crossed the boarder into: Ethiopia
When that country's government fell, they fled to: Kenya
The refugee camp they stayed in we run by the: Untied Nations
They organized themselves into a group to entertain themselves and discuss their situation  This organization was called: parliament
Two of the young men went to the city of: Pittsburgh
The third went to the city of: Syracuse
They noticed a big difference in the way Africans and Americans celebrated the holiday of: Chirstmas
They were required to pay back the money spent on: Air Travel
The "lost boys" held many different jobs including McDonald's: Security Guard and waiter in a restaurant
They were instrumental in building a: school and health clinic back in their "mother home land."

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