Thursday, October 18, 2012

More Information about World Religions

·        Created by Muhammad
·        Muhammad was said to report revelations that came from God
·        Holy Book- Qur’an
·        There are 1.6-1.7 followers
·        Muslims are found in Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and the Middle East
·        Many Muslims make pilgrimages to Mecca- to the Muslims, this is the most holy city and it is the birth place of Muhammad
·        Muslim men go to Medina for a pilgrimage
·        Mecca and Medina are both in modern day Saudi Arabia
·        2nd biggest religion
·        In 100 years= #of Muslims > # of Christians
·        5 times a day, devote Muslims should know where Mecca is in relation to where their location is and pray towards the direction of Mecca

·        Founded by Siddhartha Gautama
·        He was known as Buddha which means “enlightened one”
·        Neither a monotheistic or polytheism religion
·        No holy book but has the Four Noble Truths
·        No cravings for yourself
·        376 million followers
·        Most are in China, Japan, Mongolia, and many Southwestern Asian countries
·        Nirvana is achieved from within

·        Does not claim any one prophet
·        No one god
·        It is a way of life
·        Sacred texts are the Vedas and the Philosophical Epics such as the Bhagavas-Gita
·        1 billion Hindus worldwide
·        Most of them are in India

·        Oldest surviving monotheistic religion
·        Covenant between God and his people an ethno religious group
·        Sacred books are the Talmud and the Torah
·        13.4 million followers

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