Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Not a Normal Class

Today's class wasn't like a real class at all. I got to talk a lot during the class and didn't get in trouble for it like I usually would in any other class. I didn't just talk the whole class though. I also worked on designing my blog. I even figured out how to put virtual fish on my blog that you can virtually feed. At the end of class, we were assigned homework to blog about the class today, as usual, but we were also assigned to research some words and tell how they relate to ancient Greece. I found this very interesting because I had no idea how any of those words were significant to ancient Greece, but I found out.

Arete- a term described a maximum of ability and potency for action; a man's effectiveness and skill in goodness.
Polis- was the ancient Greek city-state. 

Socrates- was a classic Greek Athenian philosopher. 

The Death of Socrates- was sentenced to death by poison (hemlock). 

The Socratic Method- clarified the concepts of God and Justice.

The Date 508 BC- The Romans rose up against their leader. Cleisthenes grants full rights to all free men in Athens. 

Agora-  was the center of Athenian democracy. It was a gathering place for the lawmakers and citizens. 

What the ancient Greeks meant if they called you an idiot- In ancient Greece, the inventors of democracy set up a law that required every person to vote, regardless of who they voted for. If anyone was found not voting, then you are considered an idiot.

Sighted From:

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