Thursday, August 30, 2012

A Message To Garcia

       Today, we read an article called A Message To Garcia by Elbert Hubbard. This article was about a man who was not lazy and was a hard worker. He had to deliver a message to General Garcia who was hiding in an unknown location in the Cuban mountains. The article presented a theme throughout its whole story line. To me, the theme related to becoming a hard worker who was inspired to do their very best and always "deliver the message to Garcia" as well as doing what you are told. Even though this article was written in 1899, it still contains very precious knowledge that the world today needs to understand. People who are avid hard workers and who are driven to do their finest job on anything are in high demand today. Because the world is so technologically advanced, it has become easier to slack off and not use all our full potential in school or at a job. The world has become lazy and some people don't get punished for it but they really should. I know some days you just feel a little off and uninspired to work or learn but if your attitude is like that every day, then you are not worthy to work there or learn there. There are some children that would love to become part of The John Carroll, but can't afford it. If those children did go to John Carroll, I guarantee they would not take their education for granted and work extremely hard because they want to learn. Some kids at John Carroll right now take their education for granted and slack off, and don't learn at all. I don't want to be that person. I am going to try to always work hard, do my very best, and always try to "deliver the message to Garcia."

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Not a Normal Class

Today's class wasn't like a real class at all. I got to talk a lot during the class and didn't get in trouble for it like I usually would in any other class. I didn't just talk the whole class though. I also worked on designing my blog. I even figured out how to put virtual fish on my blog that you can virtually feed. At the end of class, we were assigned homework to blog about the class today, as usual, but we were also assigned to research some words and tell how they relate to ancient Greece. I found this very interesting because I had no idea how any of those words were significant to ancient Greece, but I found out.

Arete- a term described a maximum of ability and potency for action; a man's effectiveness and skill in goodness.
Polis- was the ancient Greek city-state. 

Socrates- was a classic Greek Athenian philosopher. 

The Death of Socrates- was sentenced to death by poison (hemlock). 

The Socratic Method- clarified the concepts of God and Justice.

The Date 508 BC- The Romans rose up against their leader. Cleisthenes grants full rights to all free men in Athens. 

Agora-  was the center of Athenian democracy. It was a gathering place for the lawmakers and citizens. 

What the ancient Greeks meant if they called you an idiot- In ancient Greece, the inventors of democracy set up a law that required every person to vote, regardless of who they voted for. If anyone was found not voting, then you are considered an idiot.

Sighted From:

Monday, August 27, 2012

Introducing Human Geography

Human Geography seems like an interesting class where I will have tons of fun. The teacher, Mr. Schick, is a lively man who cares about the environment. I can tell Mr. Schick loves the Earth, because he is trying to make the class a no paper class, where we don't use paper at all. I believe that this is a great way to save the environment and we are able to have a paper free class because of the technology supplied to us. I have never had a blog before and I think that having a blog is a great way to express ourselves. It's really interesting how we can customize and personalize our blog. Today we got assigned new seats. I liked my old seat because I was sitting near my friends but I love to talk with my friends so it’s a good thing that he moved me where there are less distractions. I’m definitely looking forward to Human Geography and I can’t wait to dive into all the knowledge awaiting us.   

Sunday, August 26, 2012

First Day At John Carroll

The first day of John Carroll was filled with new faces, new teachers, and a new surrounding. I finally got to see my friends that I missed and haven’t seen all summer. I got to meet new people and I already made a couple new friends. The school seemed vast at first, but when I toured around and was shown where all the rooms are located, it didn’t seem as complex as I first though. The lockers appeared complicated at first, but I conquered my locker combination on the very first try. I even helped out other students with their lockers troubles. All of the classes that I went to seemed like they would be interesting. It appeared my classes will be filled with laughs, fun projects, and exciting ways to learn. Over all, my experience was delightful and I can’t wait to start school.