Thursday, November 8, 2012

Getting to Really Know the Leaders

Dimal Roussff- Brazil
  • Tortured because she was associated with a coupdetat (to over throw the country)    
Enrique Pina Nieto- Mexico

  • Life time Politician
  • An Economist
  • Wants to broaden the economy for more jobs
Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud- Saudi Arabia
  • Is the King = a monarchy
  • 13 wives-35 children- who will rule next? This could create a massive war in the country
Mumadd Karzai- Afghanistan
  • Talabid ruled before him
  • Stays in Cobl because of the Talabid
Hugo Chavez-Venezuela
  • went to jail for coupetat
Hu Jin Tow- China
  • Head of the Communist Party
  • Biggest Accomplishment- Biggest Economy
  • An economist
  • China has huge economic world power
Barack Obama- The United States of America
  •  Was a senator from Illinois
Angela Merkel-Germany
  • An economist
  • The "decider"
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad-Iran
  • Believes that their are no gay Iranians
  • Believes in no women rights
  • Very Strong religious belifes

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Leaders

Today in our awesome Wednesday class, we all had a discussion about the leaders of mostly all the very important countries such as China, Germany, and the United States of America. We had to gather two interesting factoids about the countries' leader.  I thought that the most interesting fact was about Dilma Rousseff, Brazil's main leader. It turns out that she was actually tortured for trying to over through the country. After her imprisonment, Dilma ran for President of Brazil and won even though she tried to take over the country when she was a young adult. Another current leader also tired to take over his country, was thrown in jail for it, and is now ruling it. It is amazing to see how willing people are to fight for what they believe is right. Even after they were put in jail for some odd years, they continue to fight for what they want the country to be like. Those people who fight for the country are definitely great leaders.

Barack Obama- United States of America Barack Obama fielded criticisms for the tax plans he proposed for the American people if he got elected. The President has been taking great pains to reassure that it will only be the rich who will be affected by the higher tax policy.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Going Deeper Into Leadership

Peña Nieto said that he will reinvigorate Mexico's economy and permit the national oil company, Pemex, to compete in the private sector, and reduce drug violence.

Saudi Arabia:
Abdullah held very important political posts throughout most of his adult life. He became mayor of Mecca which is a very important, holy city.

Angela Merkl has a physical chemist by professional background. Merkel has played a crucial role in managing the financial crisis at the European and international level, and has been referred to as "the decider."

Netanyahu joined the Israeli Defense Forces during the 1967 Six-Day War and became a team leader in the Sayeret Matkal special forces unit. He lead a commando assault deep into Syrian territory and achieved the rank of captain.

Hu has been involved in the Communist party bureaucracy for most of his adult life. Hu is the first leader of the Communist Party without any significant revolutionary credentials.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad had economic lapses and disregards for human rights.  He supports Iran;s nuclear energy program. 

Many people have plotted to assassinate Karzai in the last ten years. The Unties States actully supported him in the 2001 presidential elections.

Francois Hollande is in favor of renewable energy sources. He has created about 260,000 more jobs for the French.

Pranab Mukherjee was a senior leader of the Indian National Congress. In the 2012 presidential election, Mukherjee received 713,763 votes, while his adversary Sangma had received 315,987 votes.

Chávez became dissatisfied with the Venezuelan political system. He planned on overthrowing it and he founded the secretive Revolutionary Bolivarian Movement-200.

United Kingdom:
David Cameron has accused the United Kingdom Independence Party of being "fruitcakes, loonies and closet racists. He achieved a first class honors degree. 

Queen Elizabeth II of England has the full title of Defender of Faith. She became the leader of Head of the Commonwealth and queen regnant of seven independent Commonwealth countries: the United KingdomCanadaAustraliaNew ZealandSouth AfricaPakistan and Ceylon. 

Dilma Rousseff is the first woman to hold the office, as well as the first woman to become Chief of Staff to the President of Brazil.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

World Leaders

I'm so excited to learn about the other countries' leaders. I am glad that we went over all the correct answers to the assignment Mr. Schick gave to us last week because some of my answers were incorrect and it would have been horrible if I studied the wrong answers for the test on the world leaders. What I didn't understand about this small project given to us was why we had to find a picture of the country's leader. Hopefully we will not need to memorize the picture of the country's leader and match it up with his or her name, the type of government the country has, and the country's name. That would be pretty challenging but I'm sure I could do it because I have a very good photographic memory. I like how we are going to have our exam before Christmas break because then I will not have to worry about studying over break. 

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Going Over the Test

The most recent test that we took was a bit of a challenge. It really required me to deeply think about all the material that we covered in class. The whole test was about the 5 religions, the 3 groups of explorers that "discovered' the Americas, and the notes we took about culture. Some of the material on the test was new to me and I had to make an educated guess.I was pretty satisfied with my grade but I know that if I had more time to study, I would have definitely gotten a better score. I made a pretty helpful study guide that I studied for a little while. I really hope that next time I have a test, I will be able to take more time out of my day to study. The hardest part about the whole test was trying to answer questions that I didn't know the answer to.  I liked having the test on a scan tron but I would have rather had it on paper so I could keep the paper and study all the answers that I got wrong. 

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Learn about Countires

United States

Constitution-Based Federal Republic

President Barack Obama


Federal Republic

President Enrique Pena(with thing over n) Nieto


Communist State

President Hu Jintao

Federal Republic

Prime Minister Pranab Mukherjee


Islamic Republic

President Hamid Karzai



Theocratic Republic

President Mahmoud  Ahmadi'nejad


Parliamentary Democracy

President Shimon Peres and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu


Federal Republic
Chancellor Angela Merkel

United Kingdom

Constitutional Monarchy and Commonwealth Realm

Prime Minister David Cameron and Queen Elizabeth II




President François Hollande


Federal Republic

President Dilma Rousseff




Federal Republic
President Hugo Chávez

Saudi Arabia


King/Prime Minister Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Aziz

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Questions on the Test

How many followers does Islam have? -1.6-1.7 million followers

What does Buddha mean? -Enlightened One

Which religion was the oldest surviving monotheistic religion?      -Judaism

What are the holy books of Judaism? -Talmud and the Torah

Where do most of the Hindus live? - India

What is the holy book of Islam? - Qur'an

What is the official language of Brazil? – Portuguese

When did Christopher Columbus arrive in America? -1492

Where did Christopher Columbus land? -Near the Bahamas

According to the growth rate of Islam, in 100 years from now, will the number of Muslims be greater than, less than, or equal to, or less than the number of Christians? -Greater Than

Is Buddhism monotheistic or polytheistic? -Neither, it is a way of life

What is the oldest religion over all? –Hinduism

Christopher Columbus’s back round was Spanish, Italian, or French? –Italian

What is Nirvana? -The perfect happiness, the highest happiness

What do Islam, Judaism, and Christian religions have in come? –they are all Abrahamic religions

What land bridge did the Native Americans cross? –The Beringian land bridge

How many people in the world claim no religious filiation at all? –a billion